The following are the comments of congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and an open letter to said congressman .
Stupid Factor: 10/10, we are talking about politicians after all!
Rohrabacher: If we bring in more people from the outside, realizing that we’re bringing the most talented people from other countries, will it not hurt those countries? And will it also not depress the wages in our own country that people like yourself would have to pay your employees in order to get quality people or in order to train people within our own society?
Gates: No, no. These top people are going to be hired. It’s just a question of what country they do their work in.
Rohrabacher: I’m really not talking about top people here. You know . . . There’s a lot of other people in society rather than just the top people. It’s the B and C students that fight for our country and kept it free so that people like yourself would have the opportunity that you’ve had. Those people, whether or not they get displaced by the top people from another country is not our goal. Our goal isn’t to replace the job of the B students with A students from India, because those B students deserve to have good jobs and high-paying jobs.
Dear Congressman Rohrabacher:
In your recent exchange with Bill Gates you referred to my compatriots and me as “…not top people” and that it is “the B&C students that fight for out country and kept (sic) it free”. I guess to you, veterans are just the people wearing funny hats and marching in the Fourth of July parade. We certainly aren’t the people with funny hats driving go carts, those are the Shriners. But I digress.
As a veteran I find your comments simply stupid and I give you an ‘F’ in diplomacy. In order to defend the honor of veterans everywhere I challenge you to an academic contest in any subject of your choice. Given your anachronistic views on jobs perhaps we can compete in economics. Or, given your struggle with grammar perhaps English? Either way, I feel confident that when Bill spoke about “top people”, he wasn’t referring to you. Being a politician obviously doesn’t indicate intelligence. After all, not only do ‘C’ students fight for our country, some of them become Commander In Chief.
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