Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Stumping Without Stupidity

The campaign speech you won't hear this election season...but should.

Stupid factor 0/10.

My fellow Americans, I know that you are suffering and in the words of William Jefferson Clinton: "I feel your pain". I know that some of you have lost manufacturing jobs to foreign workers and even though those are crappy jobs that I don't want my children doing I still feel your loss. And I know that others of you have lost at least 5% of the value of your 401K in these hard recent economic times and maybe twice of that in your home. And to help you through this time of intense trouble I am prepared to do...NOTHING.

That's right. I believe that you are strong enough to be competitive in a global marketplace and patient enough to survive a tumultuous stock market. I believe in capitalism, free markets, hot dogs at baseball games and apple pie a la mode (Yes, I know that is French but I can't be any less popular after this diatribe can I?) And I believe that trade barriers, government intervention and wealth redistribution are insulting and demeaning to you. They underestimate your ability to adapt and overcome. They are un-American.

You see, the founders of our country realized that, being human, we would try to tinker with the lives of our fellow citizens from time to time. That is why they instituted a series of checks and balances in an effort to make things very difficult to change. Therefore, if you want someone who represents the great history of our country in the tradition of Jefferson and Adams, someone who will gladly sit idly by and let free markets do their magic, well...I'm your man. If you want someone to create a government program to wipe your nose while you cry about how unfair the world is, vote for Obama. Or Clinton. Or McCain. It really doesn't matter because they are all better at running your life than you are. Just ask them.

When we were kids we traded baseball cards. And if you got two for one but both of you were happy with the trade, did it matter that the kid across from you was Chinese? No. Both of you benefited from the trade because you got what you wanted. If I want to do the same thing today with the Indian or Chinese grown ups then butt out. If you can't make something better or cheaper than the Chinese then get up earlier, stay later and get better at your job. Or go find something else to kick their ass at. But don't go whining to 60 Minutes and expect me to come riding in on a white horse named Uncle Sam with my dollar dispensing six guns. Because I think you can handle yourself. Sometimes I will be wrong about that. Some of you will fail miserably. So be it. I'd rather have a few of you fail and learn something from the experience than subsidize all of you. This would only encourage you to do...nothing. And lets be clear, doing nothing is my job. I'm with the government and I'm not here to help.

I'm Lost in the Blog, and I approved this message.